St. Augustine community rallies behind veteran, cancer survivor after tree collapsed on his house

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A St. Augustine couple and their son stand outside in the sun.
Bob and Valerie Bruce with their son. (St. Johns Citizen)

Retired Army veteran Bob Bruce is the sort of bygone American who would rather put his hand to work rather than hold it out.

So when a massive tree crashed on top of his St. Augustine house during Hurricane Milton and had to be removed, the 76-year-old — who just got out of the hospital after a bout with cancer — went to buy a chainsaw.

“We were in bed asleep and we didn’t hear anything,” he told The Citizen. “Our neighbors came over the next morning and told us there was a tree on our house.”

Sprawling tree collapsed on a blue house.
A tractor works on removing a sprawling tree that collapsed on Bob and Valerie Bruce’s St Augustine home. (Courtesy of Amy Tarmey)
Couple stands outside their home in the sun.
Bob and Valerie Bruce stand outside their home after a massive tree was removed from their roof with the help of their neighbors. (St. Johns Citizen)

Knowing Bob and his wife Valerie subsist on social security and care for their disabled adult son, local residents told them they would handle the tree’s removal.

“Our neighbors told us not to worry about it,” Valerie said. “But Bruce said no, we’ll do it ourselves and went right out and bought a chainsaw.”

“We usually try to do everything ourselves,” he said. “We’re independent.” 

But not long after he pulled back up to his property, chainsaws and tractors were already roaring as a crew of workers from J. Lee Construction removed the tree.

“I’m grateful for everything, and I know people have it much worse and my heart goes out to those people,” Valerie said as her voice choked with emotion. “But I’m so grateful to my neighbors and I want everybody to know that for what they’ve done.”

St. Augustine cafe Beuno
The owners of the Bueno Onda Cafe, Amy Tarmey and Gaston Buschiazzo, organized a fundraiser to help the Bruces. (Courtesy of Amy Tarmey)

But the challenges didn’t end there. The removal of the tree revealed significant damage to their roof.

In a stroke of misfortune, Bob said his home insurance had lapsed just prior to Milton’s arrival due to a paperwork snafu — and that they now have to cover the $5,300 roof repair in its entirety.

Neighbors Amy Tarmey and Gaston Buschiazzo, owners of the popular Bueno Onda Cafe in St. Augustine, took action.

“We knew that they’re on a fixed income,” Tarmey told The Citizen. “It’s not a small repair, and we just wanted to help out.”

She spread word of her fundraising campaign on social media and raised $1,300 in cash from locals at the cafe.

Tree with yellow caution tape in front of a blue house.
Bob and Valerie Bruce still need to repair their roof after Hurricane Milton knocked a tree onto their house. (St. Johns Citizen)

Tarmey also launched a GoFundMe campaign that has brought in $965 as of Sunday.

“We have the best patrons and community here in St. Augustine,” Tarmey said. “Our patrons generously helped us raise $1,300 cash in six hours on Friday 10/11 at the cafe. We offered free coffee and free soup for Bob. I started the GoFundMe page for him because a lot of our guests that couldn’t make it on that day wanted a way to donate online.”

The outpouring moved the Bruces deeply. Bob, who had to have his nose surgically removed and replaced with a prosthetic due to his cancer fight, struggled to speak at times during the interview.

“We didn’t know their name until all of this happened. I had to go over there and apologize,” he said of Amy and Gaston. “I’m heartbroken that we say good morning every morning and I don’t even know your name. I need to know your name.”

Valerie was equally touched.

“They came in like angels and helped us,” she said. “My husband is 76 and he was going to chop that huge tree by himself and they came in and saved us.”

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