How many people are moving to St. Johns County from overseas and where are they coming from?

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St. Johns County ranked 21st in foreign immigration for all Florida counties in 2022.

Of all 67 Florida counties, St. Johns County ranked 21st in overseas immigration in 2022, according to a report.

A total of 1,936 people arrived in the county with passports in hand that year, according to 24/7 Wall Street, which drew the numbers from the latest available data from the US Census.

Unsurprisingly, that figure pales in comparison to the Florida’s most popular destination for overseas migrants, Miami-Dade County, which greeted 41,883 newcomers from abroad in 2022.

In St. Johns, European immigrants predominated at 856, followed by Central Americans at 336 and South Americans at 227.

The county had a total population of 276,164 in 2022, the outlet reported.

 Of those, 91.1% were native-born, 5.8% were foreign-born naturalized citizens, and 3.1% foreign-born non-citizens.

Those figures diverge sharply from Miami-Dade, where 45.4% of its 2.6 million residents were native-born, 33.2% foreign-born naturalized citizens, and 21.4% foreign-born non-citizens.

Duval County was 10th on the list with 4.950 foreign immigrants in 2022, with 1,348 coming from Asia, 1,057 from Europe, and 807 from South America.

Of its population of 982,000, 88% are native-born, 6.8% foreign-born, and 5.1% foreign-born non citizens.

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