Bad timing: Flagler Sheriff Rick Staly confronts driver who almost smashed into him “head on”

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picture of a sheriff pulling over a driver
Flagler Sheriff Rick Staly pulls over speeding driver. (Flagler County Sheriff's Office)

Be careful who you pass, leadfoots.

Flagler Sheriff Rick Staly personally issued a ticket to a speeding motorist who nearly smashed into him over the weekend, according to the department.

The lawman was driving east on SR 100 W enroute to a sheriff’s conference over the weekend when he spotted a careening car heading towards him from the opposite direction.

The driver was hitting the gas in an attempt to pass a group of cars driving westbound along the stretch.

“Both Sheriff Staly and the car he was following had to take evasive action” to avoid a head-on collision, the agency wrote.

Staly whipped his cruiser around and pulled the driver over.

“The driver said she was in a hurry to see her mom in Putnam County,” the department wrote.

But the excuse didn’t cut it, and Staly personally issued her a ticket. A photo of the incident shows him leaning into the vehicle’s passenger side window.

“Slow down and be patient,” the department advised. “That’s better than killing or injuring someone (or yourself) just because you’re impatient.”

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